Friday, June 25, 2010

1973 Snow Job Motorcycle Snowmobile

The low cost Snow Job conversion system turns your motorcycle into a fast-charging, jumping, wheelieing snowcycle in less than four hours. In the spring your wheels go back on in one hour.

Somewhere in west Minnesota ther was a snowmobile race. It was the last race of the day, and the light was fading fast. Halfway through the first lap, something roared up over a snowdrift onto the course. Throwing a 30-foot rooster tail of snow, it passed the pack in half a lap, reared into a wheelie and disappeared into the woods. "What the hell was that?", a bystander asked. A kid in the pits answered, "A motorcycle...with tracks!"

Snow Job...there's never been anything like it.

1973 Snow Job Motorcycle Snowmobile Ad available at

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