Saturday, September 17, 2011

1967 Harley-Davidson - fastest open bike at Bonneville!

There were many contenders in the 1967 Bonneville Speed Week, but none with more class or equipment than Warner Riley and Robert Mauriello. Riley's bored-out Sportster, for example, didn't just pass the previous record but tacked a solid 30 mph on the front of it (from 123.282 mph to 153.452 mph). This is what separates Harley-Davidson from the also-rans. Big reserve. The kind you get with every stock machine. The kind you can fine tune into first place on salt or pavement. They'll be at it again in '68. Watch who wins. Harley-Davidson. Nobody builds a faster stock motorcycle.

1967 Harley-Davidson - fastest open bike at Bonneville! Ad available at

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