Monday, September 26, 2011

1965 Bultaco Metralla - a road racer you can ride on the street!

Chances are, there's a stretch of road somewher that you've got staked out as your own. It is a tricky piece of road, an all-out test of your riding ability. Your road is an old friend and an old enemy - you've fought it many times. You probably wouldn't feel right if you could defeat that stretch of road too easily. You know every inch of that road - every hill, every blind spot, every patch of rough pavement, and every corner that will rush toward you as you make your ride. You know what time of day your road will most likely be deserted, when you can belt along that twisted ribbon of pavement with only the hot, lonely sun for company. And when you reach the end - the finish line - you'll get a deep feeling of satisfaction from your contest. If you really want to wring out your road, you'll need the motorcycle built for the job: the Metralla. It's a detuned 200cc roadracer fitted out for the street.

1965 Bultaco Metralla - a road racer you can ride on the street! Ad available at

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