Wednesday, November 3, 2010

1952 Mustang Breaks Century Mark

Achievement rewards five year efforts of U.S. manufacturer.

Top Photo: Correcting a little side-draft with his legs, Walt Fulton champions the Mustang cause at a 100 mph clip. 22 1/2 cubic inch, four-stroke single packs 6.4 to 1 compression ratio, uses a 1 1/8-inch Amal carburetor and an experimental head machined out of a solid block of dural for the speed run.

Bottom photo: Tuned by Howard Forrest, Mustang's chief engineer, the "Century job" is kept in shape by Bert Brundage and Joe Richards. Experimental cam, ball bearing mains and ball wheel bearings contribute to speed. Standard oiling system handles extra revs. 4.00 x 12-inch, 4-ply Goodyear tires are mounted on wheels made up from Kelsey-Hayes rims. No brakes of any description are used, and rear sprocket is mounted on an aluminum spool. Magneto is standard Mustang with lighting coils removed. Stewart-Warner tach is suspended from large circular ring on shock-absorbing coil springs.

1952 Mustang Breaks Century Mark 1-Page Article available at

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