Saturday, August 28, 2010

1947 Fair or Foul? Lamoreaux crashes Coleman and makes speedway history

Cover: Fair or Foul? Lamoreaux crashes Coleman and makes speedway history

...Lammy Lamoreaux and Pete Coleman tried to occupy the same groove, at the same time, and in the same spot. Lamoreaux came off and picked himself up in efflorescent disgust. The huge crowd again rose in eager anticipation of another fisticuff...

...It proved a calm before a tornado, however. In a later event, Lamoreaux and Coleman came together like a couple of meteors off their orbits, resulting in the beautiful cover shot of this issue, the product of the quick trigger finger of track photographer Eldon Campbell. A split second after the picture was snapped, the riders and machines took to the air like flying saucers. Coleman came off hard, but picked himself up little injured. Lamoreaux and his mount executed a 360 degree flat turn, with the National Champion still in the saddle and the motorcycle right side up. Lammy dismounted and rushed to meet Pete with fire in his eyes, and then followed a knuckle-derby that all but called out the riot squad. The emotionally pent up thousands in the stands rose to their feet and the roar must have been heard for a mile. Fortunately the spark that could have turned the stands inbto a battle arena was quenched by a quick-witted announcement by P.A. Bigsby, over the address-system, instructing the operator to put on the record "A feudin'-A fussin'-and A-fightin'." The angry growls changed to belly laughs, and the crowd settled hapily to their seats...

Contents: Vard Hydraulic Forks review; The Isle of Man T.T. Championships; 12,000 adventurous miles on a BSA 15 cu. in. C-11; Sport Slants; Bench Racing; Club News; We lead with our chin; more

1947 August Motorcyclist Motorcycle Magazine Back-Issue available at

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