Friday, June 18, 2010

1954 29th ISDT International Six Days Trial, Llandrindod Wells, Britain

Jawa mounted Czech team tops trial.


Top: Winning Czech Trophy Team pose for cameras before start of Trial. A Trophy Team has to have at least two different capacity machines, and altho all of these are Jawas, numbers 72 and 26 are 150cc and the other three are of 250cc capacity. From left to right: V. Sedina, J. Kubes, S. Klimt, J. Pudil and B. Roucka. Their machines were clean and neat and stood out from other competitors of all nations because they had no spanners and spare tubes, etc., fastened on all over with rubber bands. Their riding was of the same high calibre.

Bottom: Swearing in 15 languages, riders block the hill on the first day's route. On extreme left British captain Hugh Viney shouts for others to get out of the blankety-blank way! No rider is allowed to have assistance unless he constitutes a danger or is injured.

1954 29th ISDT, Llandrindod Wells, Britain 3-Page Article available at

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