Wednesday, March 31, 2010

1971 Harley-Davidson Vintage X-100 Helmet, Leather Jackets, Apparel & Accessories

Get it on...then let it all hang out! You're moving...and there's no way the world can reach you. Pushing hard and feeling free, you and your machine. Riding're safe, protected. And comfortable. With the kind of protection you get from your Harley-Davidson dealer. Exciting new helmet styles and colors, including the full-coverage X-100. Leathers, form-fitting in black or brown. Gloves, goggles and boots.

At the bottom of this vintage ad in small print it reads, "World's fastest...Sportster-powered streamliner set an absolute world speed record at Bonneville October 16, 1970...265.492 mph. That's Outperformance!"

1971 Harley-Davidson Vintage X-100 Helmet, Apparel & Accessories Ad available at

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1 comment:

  1. I like that collection a lot. I know that if i want to purchase this one i would not be able to do that as it would be too costly. But i will still try and have it.
