Saturday, March 13, 2010

1952 In the Shadow of the Vincent - Black Shadow Road Test / Specifications / Photos

If you've never twisted the grips on a Vincent Black Shadow and heard the threatening moan of its twin carburetors as the speedo needle seemingly plays tricks with your eyes, then sit a spell while I recount the fastest ride of my life...


-Absence of conventional frame is startling at first. Super efficient springing allows both the front and rear forks to be affixed directly to engine. Note large dual brakes on both wheels.

- Cowboy loved his horse but was sold on the Shadow. Our paths crossed when road test took Cycle crew to Red Rock Canyon where 16mm western TV movie series, "Cowboy Slim," was being filmed. Note sliding toolbox tray beneath saddle. Sculptured saddle is notched for passenger, prevents him from crowding driver.

- Many adjustments on the Vincent can be made by hand without tools. Rear wheel adjustment (as shown) is controlled by large knurled knob after loosening rear axle by permanent spanner. All four brakes can be regulated in seconds.

1952 In the Shadow of the Vincent - Black Shadow Road Test 4-Page Article available at

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