Saturday, December 19, 2009

1960 BSA / Dick Mann Wins Laconia

Dick Mann on Gold Star takes 100 Mile National Championship!

Laconia, New Hampshire; June 19, 1960: Dick Mann, El Sobrante, California, rode in brilliant style to convincingly win the 1960 100 Mile National championship at Laconia, New Hampshire. Over 25,000 cheering spectators saw the Mann - BSA Gold Star combination run away from a large field of top ranking expert riders from every corner of the nation. In winning, Mann set a new A.M.A. record of 1 hour 42.1.94 for the Laconia course, substantially improving the old time set by Andres in the 1959 race...


Right Page top: Mann passes #77 Larry Schafer, going into the hairpin turn.

Right page, bottom left: Dick Mann demonstrates his easy, confident style on the straightaway at Laconia. He lapped entire field up to 2nd place during record-breaking ride.

Right page, bottom right: Dick Mann at finish surrounded by BSA men, L to R: T.A. Hodgdon, President of BSA Incorporated, Emmett Moore, T.A. Hodgdon, Jr., Hank Westra, Harry Chaplin and Herbe Neas. Dick holds part of silver service awarded him by Lin Kuchler, AMA secretary.

Left page, bottom left: Here is Warren DeLong (3rd from left), 2nd place man in the hard fought 50 miler with Joe DiSimone, Emmett Moore, Ernie DiSimone, and Walt Brown, BSA Service Manager!

Left Page, bottom right: Wally Brown takes the flag in winning a Laconia 250 Feature

1960 BSA Wins Laconia Dick Mann On Gold Star 2-Page Ad available at

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