Sunday, December 27, 2009

1950 Floyd Clymer's Motorcycle Road Racing Book & Original Vintage Ad

Here is an original 1950 print advertisement placed in one of the leading motorcycle magazines of the time advertising Floyd Clymer's popular motor books. Down in the bottom left corner is shown the book, "Motorcycle Road Racing" for $2.00. The description reads, "Complete story British T.T. Race on Isle of Man. 1907 to date. Many photos world famous riders and motorcycles. Thrilling story world's most famous race."

The actual book is now a rarity but I do have one for sale and it is shown below.

By G.S. Davison. 1950 U.S. Edition, published by Floyd Clymer, 192 page softcover, 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"

The Tourist Trophy Road Race held on the Isle of Man annually since 1907 with the exception of the war years is the outstanding motorcycle road race of all time. No motorcycle event throughout the years has held the annual interest shown by motoring sports enthusiasts all over the world as has the T.T.

1950 Floyd Clymer' Popular Motor Books Ad available at

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