Thursday, November 26, 2009

1939 Harley-Davidson & American Airlines on the cover of this 70 year old magazine

Published by Harley-Davidson more than 70 years ago. Cover: HD Servi-Car outfitted for American Airlines in front of their DC-3 airliner Flagship Cincinnati. Inside: 9-pg article “Let’s visit the Harley-Davidson Factory” with many pictures of the factory during this era. Another article documents Sam Arena’s 200 mile speed record at Oakland Speedway. Rear cover: H-D dealer in Albuquerque, New Mexico, then owned by Charles Pinckard.

1939 January ''The Enthusiast'' Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Magazine Back-Issue available at in the " Other Motorcycle Magazine Back-Issues" category

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  3. Having read this material, I have learned for myself a lot of the new. Thanks

  4. You know, in order to survive the remainder of the Depression, the company manufactured industrial powerplants based on their motorcycle engines.

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