Tuesday, June 30, 2009

1962 Trailblazers Motorcycle Fraternity Annual Banquet Photo Article

The Trailblazers organization was founded in 1938 by the late A.F. Van Order, who was an enthusiastic motorcycle rider, salesman and dealer during his long association with the motorcycle fraternity. Nearly 200 motorcycle old timers and other motorcycle enthusiasts, some with their wives or girl friends, attended the 25th annual banquet that was held at the Elks Club in Los Angeles on Saturday night, March 24. The crowd was larger than in any previous year - possibly due to the fact that many famous personalities attended, one of whom was former Los Angeles County Sheriff, Gene Biscailuz, who was in charge of the Los Angeles County Motorcycle Squad, which became the California Highway Patrol....

...Many of the old timers present had a smile on their faces when they read the menu, which was as follows:

Salad a la Flying Merkel
Roast Chicken, Excelsior "Big Valve" Style
Potatoes, Harley-Davidson Browned
Rolls with Thor Butter
Coffee with Henderson Cream
Desert with Indian Topping

1962 TrailBlazers Motorcycle Organization Annual Banquet 1-Page Photo Article available at www.DadsVintageAds.com

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