Monday, June 29, 2009

1962 Dogs on Motorcycles to Deter Criminals

Small 1-Paragraph article with photo.

Photo caption: Shown with patrolman and his new canine partner are Superintendent Maloney and Director Dillon.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Police are getting ready to unleash a new weapon, the motorcycle dog against burglars, muggers and purse snatchers. Ten new motorcycles, four of them equipped with K-9 carriers have been assigned to beat patrolmen who formerly worked on foot. The officers will cruise through residential districts where foot patrols are ineffective. The motorcycles are superior to patrol cars because they can slip into narrow alleys or cut through wooded areas...

...Motorcycle patrolmen will cruise at 15 miles an hour or less, jumping from the cycles or unleashing the dogs when necessary.

Other small articles on page: Triumph Importer Bill Johnson is Dead; Motorcycle Distributor Wins Top Advertising Award - Art Shipman, Pasadena artist holds award winning motorcycle brochure produced by Johnson Motors, Inc western states Triumph distributor...also shown Don Brown Sales Manager & Elden Wright District Sales Rep.

1962 Motorcycle Police Dogs K-9 Canine Carriers Pittsburgh, PA Small Article available at

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