Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Move out on the Triumph 750

Dad's Vintage Motorcycle Ad of the Day

Ad Publication date: 1969

Ad Title:

Move out on the Triumph 750

This vintage motorcycle ad may still be available for sale HERE.

Text of Ad:

Just imagine the fastest, ruggedest Triumph you've ever ridden. Then add another cylinder and carb. Pow! That's the incredible new Triumph Trident Triple - over 60 BHP of creamy smooth lightning.

How Come three cylinders, you ask? Why not a nice even number like four?

Well, we thought about a four cylinder engine. But not for long. We found we could get a smoothly balanced engine with three cylinders, in a smaller sized package with less weight. That costs less!

Then we remembered a three cylinder racing car sometime back that cleaned up rally after rally. And we turned that inspiration over to our engineers. What they found out was a three cylinder does work, with uncanny smoothness at all speeds, and offering a potful of plusses over both two and four cylinder motorcycle layouts.

On the road, The Triple is like something else. The engine spins so quickly and smoothly to a peak 8000 rpm that you don't realize how fast you're going until the wind starts beating at your face and tearing your clothes.

The power is even more apparent when you bring a friend along. There's definitely no better way for two people to get anywhere sitting down. The seating has been designed to put the rider in a natural position forward, leaving gobs of room behind. Add to this a bump=absorbing suspension and the elimination of numbing vibrations, and you're ready for the long haul.

Eliminating vibrations also pays off in eliminating many of the Mickey Mouse adjustments you have to make on lesser bikes. Simply because things don't shake loose without something to shake them loose. And the Triple has so much power to burn, you just can't strain it to the shaking point.

In fact, the tremendous torque of this machine (on the basis of tire area, 3 times that of many four litre sports cars!) presented a problem right at the start. It kept eating up standard road tires. The solution was developing a tougher tire of radical design. The Dunlop "Trigonic" K81. A slightly rounded racing triangular shape that puts more rubber on the road when cornering.

But you don't really want to hear our problems. Only results count. And the result is an astonishing breakthrough in motorcycle design. A new three cylinder, triple carb, 750 cc machine that can cruise all day long at speeds that make other bikes' eyes bulge.

Imagine sauntering up behind a high balling tractor trailer, then steaming past like he suddenly threw it into reverse.

Imagine a machine this powerful, and still with the same amazing lightness and agility that brands all Triumphs.

Then imagine not running right down to your Triumph dealer to see it. It'll tear you up.

Get our new color catalog from your Triumph Dealer (see Yellow Pages). or send 25 cents for catalog and Triumph decal to: Triumph, West, Dept. D05, P.O. Box 275, Duarte, Calif. 91010. Or Triumph, East, Dept. DO5, P.O. Box 6790, Baltimore, Maryland 21204.

Leave it all behind on The Triumph

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